puzzle pieces of brain falling out of head

Fighting the Forgetting Curve

Wouldn't it be great if you could retain everything you learn, the first time you learn it? Unfortunately that's not how most people's memories work, and we have the concept of the forgetting curve...


Preparing Your Team for a Changing Industry

It's no secret the automotive industry is undergoing a shift — vehicle technology is rapidly changing, technicians are in short supply, and shops everywhere have been feeling the effects. This can...


How Daily Training Can Boost Your Shop in Just Minutes a Day

Many automotive shops hold long training sessions for their technicians and service advisors periodically throughout the year. What if we told you this traditional model of training may not be the...


What You Should Know About Adult Learning

Early learning is necessary for humans to function in the world. We learn to walk, talk, share, and then read, write, and calculate. Compared to the learning we are capable of as adults; all of this...


Ratchet+Wrench Podcast: Today's Class Trains Techs Using an App

In this episode, David Boyes joins Ratchet+Wrench editor Chris Jones to talk about our company’s app, Today's Class, an online learning organization that has been supporting the automotive industry...


A Classroom in Your Pocket [Ratchet+Wrench Feature]

If the popularity of language-learning apps indicates future success for mobile learning on the go, Today’s Class may be on to something. Headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, Today’s Class focuses...


TIA Partners with Today’s Class on New Training App

In pursuit of its continuing commitment to training and development, the Tire Industry Association (TIA) has announced a partnership with adaptive learning company Today’s Class. This mobile training...

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